As a rule, men have almost no problems with the violation, as well as obtaining an orgasm during sex. This is not the case in women: often, even after a long foreplay long-awaited feeling of "butterflies in the stomach" never comes. But we want to adapt to the desires and pace of her husband. How is a woman to help myself quickly aroused, will detail our magazine.
Why a woman can not get aroused before sex?
To come to a solution to the problem, first we need to clearly define what it is.
Techniques for self-violation
Every woman has its own collection of tricks, because either way, everyone had to think on the subject of the violation, each has certain observations and conclusions. In the comments you can share your thoughts on this, after reading (useful, hopefully) recommendations.
The right mood
Assuming we are not talking about "first times", you can say that a specific sexual experience you have, and therefore is the most important and important for "starting" butterflies in the stomach and such a sweet anticipation. Is your memory . It holds the key to rapid and effective direction of the mood in the right direction. This applies not only to sex.
You know, to give yourself confidence, people can remember and replay the moment when he felt confident. To enhance the mood here and now, you want to play in the memory of the positive event.
Well, to be upset for no reason, all we have to remember something bad. This chain works here. Adding even a little imagination, you already feel that painful feeling in the abdomen. By the way, for those who have a strong imagination, can be enough only a fantasy.
Erotic film

And for those whose imagination is not going well, or as a supplementary stimulant, we suggest to try the "delicious" movie. If now you disgust wrinkled nose, do not rush to close the page. After all, it really works. It is not clear why a person experiences sexual arousal during the erotic scenes, but it is.
This is another issue that acceptable, and even pleasant for him to watch light romantic erotic movies or movies with three letters x. Treat yourself and loved movie night or if the constraint or it is hampered by prejudices, experiment alone. After all, nobody knows.
Hot tub
Is believed that helps is a hot bath, etc before. it stimulates blood circulation. Use your favorite oils, candles, incense, and other "pleasures" to your taste. Some that have such an effect, we will consider below.
This item, a lot of attention paid to will not. Most understand how it works. The main thing - do not overdo it.
You can experience more drastic measures, if only one effect on the emotional system does not produce results. Combine some of the above options or with a tender and gentle touch. Or rough if you want. Select time. Get to know your body, love yourself.
Aphrodisiacs to excite women
- A girl can be excited so that it is not even comes to foreplay. Or, despite the foreplay, the excitement still does not occur.
- The first suggests itself the possibility that something is wrong with your partner: 1) He commits actions that, instead of a pleasant, not causing any feelings or even the opposite; 2) He is not interested in you as a man; 3) you May be "morally" far from it - some women just can't admit to myself the person with whom there is no psychological intimacy.
- It may be fatigue. So, the usual physical fatigue, fatigue. If after a busy day you try to have sex and something doesn't work out, consider this: maybe the reason is simple, and nothing you spent last time in search of answers on the world wide web?
- Fatigue can be moral, that, in principle, also not fatal, but a bit more complicated.
- More seriously, when excited to prevent some sickness or disease, including "feminine".
- Supplementation can influence the initiation process.
- Can be issues of a sexual nature, such as frigidity or post traumatic period trauma. However, they are not in the Internet, and with the help of doctors and specialists.
- The vulnerable persons change in mood could be triggered by any little thing - this refers to something in the current situation confuses you, does not relax. Think about that.
- Stiffness, tightness. May be the result of attitudes towards sex as something bad or complex about their appearance.
- Essential oils of geranium, ylang-ylang, bergamot, saffron, sandalwood.
- Strawberries, raspberries, avocado.
- The bitter chocolate.
- Olive oil.
- Almonds.
- Garlic (Yes, really).
- Ginger.
- Seafood.
- The quail eggs.
- Greens, asparagus, sea Kale, artichokes.
- Spices black pepper, Basil, anise, cardamom, cinnamon, etc

How excited the woman folk remedies?
The list of aphrodisiacs in the list above will easily make a full "exciting" menu. You can brew and infuse all sorts of teas and drinks.
In addition, we offer you to make a separate paragraph , infusion of Rhodiola rosea (Golden root, Tibetan ginseng) . In folk medicine it is used for more than two thousand years to treat a variety of ailments and use a few tablespoons of the tincture an hour before close will increase the excitability and the degree of the fun.
As the woman quickly excited the most?
As noted in the methods of independent excitation, the secret is in the memory, the imagination, the regular repetition. After all, only by constantly training yourself, you will be excited when it is needed (and maybe when not necessary).
Read an interesting novel with beautiful bed scenes, watch the movie according to your taste.
Think about sex, fantasize. Imagine yourself with a cause you have a certain desire a man. Do not hesitate and swing the bounds of decency. Do with it what you really want, what would not dare in real life.
Simple: buy beautiful and sexy underwear. This in which yourself want.
It's important to love yourself and your body. Admire your reflection in the mirror in this outfit, stand in a beautiful pose, smile. Evaluate your advantages, your sexuality. You are beautiful, isn't it?
Even on ordinary days be sexy. No wonder you got this wonderful kit? Don't forget about how much sex this under everyday clothing.
With the word "toys", you have associations? If nothing untoward that we need to do something. When the issue is actually in how quickly excited the most, this option is good at least three parties:
- This "toy" could do me a favor, when your beloved is not with you.
- Will help you to relax and learn more about your body.
- As a bonus, can add spice to lovemaking.

Consequently, the violation. Selecting the compact option among a wide variety, try to take her with him. Accidentally stumbled on this intimate attribute in the handbag, in addition to possible embarrassment, the natural will and desire that you feel, remembering his recent piquant entertainment.
How to initiate yourself: a step by step guide for women
- Groom yourself to feel the confidence is 100%.
- Pick clothes that emphasizes your sexuality.
- Make sure that you are not bothered and do not distract the situation.
- Light some candles if you like it, use aromatic products to get started.
- Turn on the appropriate music or movie.
- Enjoy them alone or with a partner.
Practical tips for a woman: how to arouse yourself
Most importantly, this:
- To throw away all that binds you - someone's opinions, stereotypes, and decent-indecent.
- Loving your body so much that I sincerely admire them, looking in the mirror.
- And when you have dealt with point 2, look at yourself again. Gently swipe your face, lips, neck. As it did one of the young men in the most daring of your fantasies? Templates and imposed opinions is no more. That tells you then your being?
- Follow all that you were able to glean from this article. Listen to their desires and the desires of his body. At this time, completely get rid of modesty.
What if the woman is not excited?
The answer is obvious - to try something else.
- Add more foreplay, or Vice versa, to reduce.
- To try to talk about sex, say from the ambiguous hints to outright dirty talk.
- Try not to talk but to ask her half of what she wants, like that may cause discomfort. Both of you be honest.
- Dedicate each other in not-yet-realized fantasy, and such is. Have the courage to follow them.
- Arrange a role-playing game. Try it, you'll like it. Take the role of famous characters or beat the desired situation.
- Change the location, because it gets boring. And if "action" occurs constantly in one scenario, in one place, and God forbid even at the same time, then what is really there...
- Many ambiguous attitude to sex shops. It is understandable - for FSU it's too steep a turn, even through a time like this.

However, in large stores, on the Internet or in your city, among the wide range of is, that like every pair: clothing, accessories, toys, games for foreplay and sex , all are not listed. It remains only to choose.