Pathogens in the form of pills and other medications today are popular mainly among men. Indeed, advertising on television and radio are constantly talking about the newly effective means for male potency. However, few people know that there are pathogens for women.

Used drugs such as in the case of a permanent lack of desire in women and as a method of seduction. I must say that the women agents are becoming more popular among men who wish to Woo one or more females.
How do the pathogens for women?
Drugs for female arousal have a fairly simple composition. As a rule, they include components which help a woman to relax and loosen up sexually. Additionally aphrodisiacs contain vitamins useful to the organism substances.
Of course, the main goal of pathogens is to induce sexual desire in a woman, and quickly. How majority of drugs acting by extending blood vessels, causing the blood in the body begins to flow stronger, produce an additional stimulation of genitals.
Some agents contain special pheromones that cause the lubrication in the genitals in women. These drugs act very quickly and cause a strong sexual desire. Also part of drugs can cause additional blood flow to the genitals and to the chest of a woman, thus, increasing sensitivity during intercourse.
When to use agents for women?
Mainly use female agents in cases where a woman does not feel sexual attraction to their partner or not enough broken in the course of sexual intercourse, subsequently not getting the desired satisfaction. In addition, the agents used in the absolute frigidity of the woman, in this case, they can even be prescribed by a doctor. The pathogen also can help women to increase libido if you need it.
Another problem solved by female agents is a small selection of lubrication in the vagina during sexual intercourse. Sometimes sex becomes painful due to dryness in the genital organs of the female. In this case, satisfaction does not receive neither man nor woman. Many people buy in pharmacies of the special grease, however, you can use the activators.
What can be lost arousal in women?
The lack of sexual desire in women indicates the presence of a health problems or psychological difficulties. First, prevent the emergence of sexual desire can various diseases associated with the genitourinary system. It can be any inflammation of the pelvic organs, cystitis, etc. can Also affect hormonal disruption and violation. In this case, the woman need to go to a gynecologist and consult how to solve this problem.

Sometimes women may experience physical discomfort during intercourse. In this case, to solve the problem is unlikely to succeed with the help of a doctor. It is better to talk with your partner and try to explain to him that causes discomfort. Typically, these problems are solved by means of minor measures such as change of position in sexual intercourse.
The most difficult problems associated with psychological disorders. If the woman is not experiencing arousal due to stress, fatigue and nervous tension, it is quite fixable. It is only necessary to allocate sufficient time for vacation, for example, to take a vacation. To try to solve the current problems, or at least postpone them on the back burner for a while and just let the body relax. Sometimes a good helping of sedatives.
If a psychological problem is deeper and the woman feels the fear of sexual intimacy, it is important to understand what the reason for this fear. In some cases can help a normal conversation with a loved one, and in some complex cases – only a psychotherapy. In any case, before buying the pills for women who act as the agent, you need to ensure that the drug won't hurt the partner.
Pathogen for women with his own hands
It is no secret to many that some of the products that we use daily are natural aphrodisiacs and pathogens. In addition, sometimes you can do without the purchase of drugs for the excitation in the pharmacy, and use of folk recipes and cook yourself the best exciter for women, which will differ fast action. The list of means of stimulating sexual desire in women includes the following products:
- Chocolate. This product is loved by many women, which is not surprising, because it contains a special amino acid – phenylalanine. This component is known primarily for the fact that helps the body develop the hormone of joy – endorphin. That is why many men give chocolate and chocolates women, unconsciously expressing the desire to cause arousal in women.
- Greens. Green vegetables are equally a good influence on sexual arousal, both in men and women. A great option is avocado, dill, rosemary and celery. You can prepare salads with these components.
- Seafood. Another option that is suitable for both sexes. They are excellent for men to increase potency, and women increase sexual desire.
- Sparkling or regular wine. You should only choose a light wine to a woman could relax, but to maintain clarity of thought and sensations.
- Fruits and berries. As agents for women are not all fruits and berries. The greatest effect was observed for strawberries, grapes and currants. You can prepare any dessert for a romantic dinner with the girl and thereby cause its location.

It is important to understand that the use of these products can only strengthen existing sexual desire of a woman. To cause a desire can only artificially pharmaceutical preparations: pills, drops, powders and the like. None of natural products can not be a strong activator for women quick action. Similar attributes are more likely to help beautify a romantic evening and enhance a woman's desire.
Contraindications and side effects
Most of the pathogens for women quick actions, including drops, work by expanding blood vessels and stimulate blood circulation in the body. This, in turn, causes an increase in blood pressure, heart palpitations. That is why make the agents is contraindicated in women who have hypertensive diseases and heart disease. As a rule, in diseases such you do not have sex, so the use of additional agents is strictly prohibited.
If health problems there, the drugs can only cause headaches and dizziness. Sometimes women see the redness of the face or other body parts. Such a reaction should not be afraid, this is just a consequence of enhanced blood flow in the body.
Many drugs for excitation contain, in addition to the basic components, additional substances for taste, odor and color. Sometimes there are substances to strengthen the immune system, vitamins, and much more.
In this regard, before use, be sure to familiarize yourself with the composition of the drug, as some components are hypersensitive to can cause severe allergic reactions. In no case should not prevent the overdose. A stronger effect can be a shock to the body.
Pathogens for women can do sex life of both partners more vivid and sensual. Drugs can help a woman relax and get maximum pleasure from sexual contact with her husband. However, it is important to understand that medications for sexual stimulation should be used only with the consent of the woman, because they are quite strong and can have a powerful effect on the body. Pre-need to make sure that the funds will not cause the woman any harm.