What are pheromones and what they add to the spirits. The choice of the most effective pheromones for men and women. Pros (cons) perfume and the reviews on them.
6 October 2018
Few people can imagine, to sexual arousal brought discomfort. However, women suffering from syndrome permanent sexual arousal know what it is.
26 September 2018
Do women actually can have an orgasm only in the posture "dragon, oppugnationem pertinent parant external management mode Golutvinsky fortress", while stimulation of points G, K and U? Fortunately, the practice of sex much easier theory.
16 August 2018
To get pleasure in sexual life can not all women.
13 August 2018
There is a pill for female arousal? And if so, how to make a female agent in a home?
29 July 2018